"On-The-Job" Blog
The place where you can find best practices to support you in complying with employment laws in order to achieve positive outcomes with employees in the workplace
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Related Resources
In light of the recent challenging times we are all going through with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is of the most importance to collaborate and work together in order to get past this. We wanted to share resources and information as well as our assistance regarding our...

Keep Calm and Remember the “Interactive Process”
Resources for an Easier, More Effective Accommodation Process An employee discloses being diagnosed with a condition that impairs vision, and is already encountering difficulties at work due to the condition. The employee asks: “could you buy me a program I found on...

Building a Better Return-to-Work Program
Building a Better Return-to-Work Program This past summer I had the pleasure of working as co-lead of the Transition Back to Work Policy Work Group. Under the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy’s (ODEP’s) Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work...

When is enough….ENOUGH? Leave as a reasonable accommodation
When is enough….ENOUGH? Leave as a reasonable accommodation There has been a lot of press around the recent Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision for Severson v. Heartland Woodcraft, Inc., No. 15-3754 (September 20, 2017). In that case, the court held “ADA is an...

The tangled web of Conduct, Performance Management and Disability
The tangled web of Conduct, Performance Management and Disability What happens when you are about to take disciplinary action for your employee with performance or conduct violations, and at the onset of that discussion, the employee tells you that they feel the...